Taking Charge
Once we truly accept that we are responsible for our own fulfillment and joy as much as our own discontent, unhappiness, and resentments, we learn to take charge. We stop blaming the things we can’t control – we stop reacting and start taking action.
It is hard and scary to take a moment to evaluate your life, but it is essential. Literally sitting ourselves down and taking a good look at where we are; asking ourselves questions – am I fulfilled? What currently makes me get up in the morning? Do the things I do now bring me deep joy?
It makes us face reality instead of ignoring it and just drifting by – living for the weekends, finding temporary gratification to get us through, filling our days with activities that do not fulfill us – acting busy, so our lives may be perceived to be moving forward.

Busy-ness has been overly glorified. I rarely tell people I’m busy. I don’t remember the last time I said it. I try my best to make time for the things that matter, I am never too busy to spend quality time with my loved ones, I am never too busy, to find time to just be. Work wise, I am never too busy to practice authentic service – I don’t tell clients that I am too busy to answer their questions and concerns. I find that being too “busy” for the things that matter is an excuse for inefficiency and poor time management.
I value being able to live my life without seeking other people’s approval. I still have moments when I would question the path I’m creating for myself. But thing is, we SHOULD create our own path. And it’s supposed to be uncomfortable. It’s supposed to surprise us. We’re all supposed to fail. And we’re all supposed to learn from those failures.
We often worry about how other people perceive us, when in reality, knowing that bears no value at all.
What I’m trying to say is, let us not let other people’s perception of us control what we do. As a wise young boy I randomly found on Instagram once said “Do what you want to do. It’s not up to other people. It’s up to you.”
As long as you are not doing things at the expense of anybody, then you are on the right track. We have to take charge of our lives and realize these two things:
We are responsible for our own life.
We have a CHOICE.
Stop worrying about what other people think and find time to do things that truly matter to us including time to just be. Trust the process, honor your own timeline, create your own path. Take charge of your own life.
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