6 Things We Need to Stop Doing
I have worked with a couple of newly launched small businesses since I started brand photography. I love that I get to help these people move forward with their passion and become a part of their beginning.

I’ve also been seeing a lot of my friends creating content, starting their dream businesses, and just putting themselves out there. It’s inspiring because it takes a lot of courage and hard work to commit, and actually follow through.
Progress fascinates me and it’s motivating when people consistently show up. They view the world abundantly, see possibilities rather than limitations.

So I thought I’d share some things we need to stop doing so we can finally START. I hope these things resonate with you whether you’re thinking of starting a business, pursuing a project, or simply acquiring a habit!
Here goes 6 things we need to stop doing. So we can START!
Putting this on top of the list so you have this mindset as you read on and reflect: it doesn’t matter what other people think.
Don’t dim your light just because it makes other people feel uncomfortable. The only reason some people have so much time putting others down is because they’re not reaching their own dreams. They’re too focused bursting your bubble, they can’t start their own spark so they can shine too. It’s a little harsh but it’s true!
Be your own weird self and don’t be afraid to be different! The only person you have to please is yourself.
Scrolling away on social media can be toxic. You’ll find tons of businesses or passion projects that are similar to yours and you’ll doubt yourself: how can I stand out from all these bakers / photographers / illustrators / content creators / vloggers / singers / fitness coaches?
Don’t get me wrong, social media is a gift! To be able to have a free platform to show our work or market our business is amazing. But we have to have the right mindset to make the most out of it.
Limit what we consume and make sure they inspire us rather than discourage us. Allot time to look around to get inspired but let’s set more time to create. Comparing yourself to others serves no purpose, focus on YOU and what you love to do.
We can go viral, gain a million followers on Instagram, or be a multi-millionaire. Why not?
But when we’re just starting out, unrealistic goals can taint our passion especially when we expect to achieve them immediately. Aiming for a result that somebody has achieved in 10 years (or more) in a span of months is overwhelming. We can lose our drive to put in the work, and build something authentic because we don’t see ourselves achieving our “goals” anytime soon.
Ground yourself first and set SMART* goals. Allow yourself to gain momentum – take small consistent steps than huge overwhelming leaps!
*Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound
Perfection is an impossibly high and self-imposed standard that stops you from progressing. Obsessing over having a perfectly curated Instagram feed, or choosing your website font, paralyzes you and robs you of the time you need to actually start sharing and creating impact. Don’t get me wrong, the details are important too, but the keywords here are: obsessve and perfectionism.
Get things done, and move forward. Nothing is permanent, we can make changes as we grow and evolve.
Building a business or starting a passion project, is NOT EASY. It involves a lot of hard work.
Entitlement is our enemy. At a time where everything is almost always convenient, we forget that authentic brands aren’t actually made overnight. We forget that it takes long hours of hard work, constant trial and error, research, reflection, and evaluation.
It’s about asking ourselves the question: “Is it worth it?” If the answer is yes, then we have to learn to embrace the difficulty. We have to stop complaining, making excuses, and just do the work!
I don’t think we’ll ever feel READY.
I’ll start when I have….
I’ll start when I know….
I’ll start when I feel….
I’ll start when I become….
These are just excuses and self-imposed barriers that paralyze us and stop us from taking the leap.
Of course let’s be smart about it. We have to do our research and weigh things out. Don’t quit your day job if you can’t sustain yourself with your business just yet. Create an imperfect but SMART game plan and be open to change and adapt when needed.
When you jump, that’s where growth and learning comes in. We should stop waiting til we’re adequate enough or qualified enough, and just start doing. We will never feel ready, but we should do it anyway.

Instead of my usual final thoughts, I thought I change it to a CHALLENGE.
Do something different today no matter how small – no expectations, just do it for yourself. Put yourself out there, go live, share your work, reach out to your dream client, collaborate with a friend! Feel free to go back to these 6 things you should stop doing to help you take the jump! For me, it’s publishing this post and sharing it since I haven’t done that in a while!
We’ll find that action breeds action. When we actually do something, that’s when we learn and grow, even if we fail.
I think that’s what we’re supposed to do with this life we’re so blessed to have. We are gifted with the opportunity to make an impact, to create change, no matter how small. We owe it to ourselves to reach our potential and live a life with no regrets.
Thank you so much for reading. I’m grateful for you!
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